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Superworms, also known as King Worms, are darkling beetle larvaes used to feed your pet fish, birds, chickens, reptiles and amphibians. We can easily identify superworms from mealworms from their size difference.

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How to Take Care of Superworms

Get a plastic container the size of a shoe box. Then line the bottom with dry oatmeal (about 3 inches), which acts as their bedding and food. Ensure they always have a source of moisture, such as potato slices or carrots. The sandy, fine dust you can find in their bedding material is poop. Replace the poop with new bedding materials so your superworms can have a clean home to live in. To prevent your superworms from escaping, ensure the container is at least 8cm tall with smooth surfaces. Besides oatmeal, you can also feed your superworms with fruits and vegetables in small quantities to avoid attracting unwanted pests. Last thing to take note of, keep your superworms indoors at around 20 to 28C!

Superworms are high in protein, calcium and fats, making them a nutritious meal for your carnivorous pets.

Superworms as Live Feeders

The nutritional breakdown of live superworms is as follows,
Moisture: 61.92%
Fats: 14.19%
Proteins: 19.06%
Fibre: 2.6%
Calcium: 1.2g/kg
Phosphorus: 8.3g/kg

Some key things to take note of, firstly, as superworms are high in fats, do feed your pets in moderation. The small pins on their backs and hard chitin make them harder to chew on, making them more suitable for larger animals. Superworms have a high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, so dust them in calcium before offering them as food for healthy bone growth and development for your pets.

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