Description and Cricket Care
It is alright to keep your week-olds and pinheads crickets in the containers we provide. However as crickets get larger, male crickets will become territorial and start fighting for space. Hence, it is advisable to transfer them into a larger deep ventilated container. To keep the crickets hydrated, add a very small amount — almost a pinch — of fresh vegetables into the container. Our favourites are potatoes, carrots and lettuce.
Week-old crickets are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, essential nutrients for the rapid and healthy growth of your young pets. Rich in prebiotic fibre, week-old crickets aids in the improvement of your pets’ digestive guts. Slightly larger in size than pinhead crickets but smaller than adult crickets, imagine them to be around the size of a green pea (6-8 mm). So, if adult crickets are too large and pinhead crickets are too tiny to keep your pets’ bellies full, week-old crickets are the right size for you.